Wednesday, November 12, 2008

CC at Miami Response : My Name

My Name by Menfei Yuan, is a very eye awakening essay. Mengfei Yuan is a Chinese immigrant who moved to the States not too long ago. She had a very tough transition coming here, whether it was language, friends, culture, and even food, everything was very different. Yuan had a personal issue with Americans mispronouncing her name, so she changed it to "Fayer". She thought if she changed her name, it would make her fit into American society, but what she realized is that she felt that apart of her Chinese side was gone. Fayer explains that in China your name represents who you are, it has meaning and pride behind it, and when she changed it she felt upset that she lost her Chinese heritage. This essay was a very interesting essay to read and now whenever I meet an immigrant to the United States, I will be more conscious of pronouncing their name and trying to understand where they came from.

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